Investing in Elementa
Subscription of fund units takes place on a monthly basis. The minimum initial investment amount is SEK 50.000, thereafter multiples of SEK 5.000. Subscription application must be submitted to Elementa Management no later than 5 banking days before the last banking day of the month and payment must be paid into the Fund’s client account (5851-11 068 71) no later than 2 banking days before the last banking day of the month.
Next available subscription
Subscription application, January 24
Payment, January 29
Subscription application must be submitted to Elementa Management no later than 5 banking days before the last banking day of the month and payment must be paid into the Fund’s client account (5851-11 068 71) no later than 2 banking days before the last banking day of the month.
Fill out the form Subscription with requested information.
Attach a certified copy of a valid ID document.
Post original documents, or fax or e-mail scanned copies to the address options below.
Redemption application must be submitted to Elementa Management no later than 15 banking days before the last banking day of the month. The cash amount will be available in the unit holder’s bank account no later than on the fifth banking day after trade date.
Fill out the form Redemption with requested information.
Post original documents, or fax or e-mail scanned copies to the address options below.
Elementa Management AB
Mäster Samuelsgatan 1
SE-111 44 Stockholm
Facsimile: +46 (0)8-124 505 91
Trade calendar
Risk information
Elementa Management AB is an Alternative Investment Fund Manager according to the Swedish Managers of Alternative Investment Funds Act (2013:561). Foreign legislation may prohibit an investment made from outside Sweden. The AIFM has no responsibility to verify that such investment is made in accordance with such country’s law. Disputes of claims concerning the Elementa Fund shall be settled according to Swedish law and exclusively by the Swedish court.
There are no guarantees that an investment in Elementa will be profitable. An investment in Elementa can both increase and decrease in value and there is no certainty that such investment will be recovered in full. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns. An investment in Elementa is to be considered as a long-term investment.
The information on this website is for Swedish individuals. The content is not to be considered as a recommendation to buy units in the fund Elementa. It is up to each individual to make their own assessment of the risks associated with investing in the fund.
In order for unit holders to be able to make informed decisions about funds, the Swedish Investment Funds Association has created where one can find tools for selecting and evaluating funds as well as support for calculating what a holding, fees and returns mean in SEK over time.