SIX Return Index shows the Stockholm Stock Exchange performance, dividends included.
NHX Equities from HedgeNordic shows the performance of hedge funds focusing on the Nordic market.
* Refers to 2015 03 05 - 2015 12 31
The Fund's gross and net exposure varies between years, months and even within months. The exposure in the graph above is only a snapshot and is calculated at the beginning of each month. It is not to be regarded as a relevant indicator of our general market view. In addition, the Fund may own financial instruments such as derivatives where, in such a case, the net exposure does not give a true and fair view of the underlying exposure given certain outcomes. We act on the basis of the opportunities that arise in the market, which means that both gross and net exposure will vary over time. Thus, there is no main purpose in always striving to be completely market neutral, instead the exposure is a result of the assessed potential vs. the risk in each individual investment.
There are no guarantees that an investment in Elementa will be profitable. An investment in Elementa can both increase and decrease in value and there is no certainty that such investment will be recovered in full. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns. An investment in Elementa is to be considered as a long-term investment.